
Donate to us! ‘Gotong Royong’! §

Doing research in the Indonesia for more than a decade now has given us realization that the scientific endeavors here have different and unique challenges with those faced by our colleagues in the developed countries.

Do you think that scientific exploration has promise for the betterment of social life?

If your answer is yes, a person like you should never see them as an obstacle for keeping the way to explore the underlying complex social structure, just like we do!

The institute was begun with the spirit of “gotong royong”, the reciprocal actions for the sake of mutual advantage through scientific method. The same principle of “gotong royong” is actually the only reason the institute still stands until today. Your contribution is never about the size of your donation. It is always be seen as declarative statement of togetherness on us facing the challenges of research in Indonesia.

Join us by contributing to us, no matter how and what your contribution and donation is. Leave us a message stating your contribution and donation, and share the same spirit with the institute.

We honor your contribution by providing a written receipt and acknowledging your contribution on our work and in our annual report!